Providing the right support for you and your loved one has always been Posity’s highest priority. We want to ensure that everyone has the freedom to make choices that are best for them, which is especially important when choosing the right disability accommodation. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has introduced different types of disability accommodation so participants can be supported to have safe and comfortable home. As a leading NDIS provider in Victoria, we aim to provide more of these opportunities so that more NDIS participants can achieve their goals and live their best lives. This is why, in 2022, there will be more Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) homes available for NDIS participants to increase their freedom, autonomy, and opportunities.
Our new purpose-built SDA homes come with accessible features that will empower SDA residents to live independently alongside other NDIS services.
We offer Occupational Therapy services which can assist you with getting your SDA Suitability Assessment, SIL Assessment or Functional Capacity Assessment. Then we can further assist you with building the SDA home you’ve always wanted! This makes Posity the complete and one-stop package.
Today we will first explore what Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is and what makes an ideal SDA home. We will also provide an overview of what you can expect when living in SDA provided by us in 2022.
Table of Contents
What is Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is an NDIS service that supports people with disability who have high support needs to access housing options. In addition, SDA residents are able to choose other care and support to receive alongside SDA. There are four design categories when it comes to SDA homes, namely:
Improved Liveability
Suitable for NDIS participants with sensory, intellectual, or cognitive impairment. For this design category, the SDA homes must meet the minimum requirements of Liveable Housing Australia (LHA) ‘Silver’ Level. This includes:
- An enhanced provision and improved line of sight. For example, good visibility from one room to the next within the SDA home.
- Spaces with reasonable physical access that makes entering and moving around rooms easy.
- Easily adaptable spaces that can be changed to suit individual disability needs.
Fully Accessible
Suitable for NDIS participants with significant physical impairments. There is also potential for wheelchair passage throughout the entire home. For this design category, the SDA homes must meet the minimum requirements of Liveable Housing Australia (LHA) ‘Platinum’ Level. This includes:
- No steps at external doors for wheelchair accessibility.
- Bathroom vanity or hand basin are accessible in either a seated or standing position.
- Electric doors and windows, as well as the potential for automatic blinds if required in future.
- Consideration is given to making the kitchen sink, cooktop, and bench areas accessible in both seated or standing positions.
Suitable for NDIS participants with significant or profound intellectual disabilities, promoting independence in a safe environment. For this design category, the SDA homes must meet the minimum requirements of Liveable Housing Australia (LHA) ‘Silver’ Level. This includes:
- An adequate space to support the needs of individuals with complex behaviours.
- Areas of retreat to support the safety of other residents alongside the installation of laminated glass.
- Making use of resilient but inconspicuous materials to help reduce the risk of injury and handling with heavy use.
- Secure windows and doors, alongside impact-resistant walls, fittings, and fixtures in all areas.
- Appropriate soundproofing to minimise significant noise disturbances.
High Physical Support
Suitable for NDIS participants with high complex needs that need 24/7 support. For this design category, the SDA homes must meet the minimum requirements of Liveable Housing Australia (LHA) ‘Platinum’ Level. This includes:
- Structural provision for ceiling hoists with a minimum of 950mm clear opening width doors to all habitable rooms.
- Accommodates to assistive technology.
- Heating or cooling systems and household communication technology (i.e., video or intercom systems).
- Emergency power solutions to cater for a minimum two-hour power outage.
- No steps at external doors for wheelchair accessibility.
- Bathroom vanity or hand basin are accessible in either a seated or standing position.
- Electric doors and windows, as well as the potential for automatic blinds if required in future.
- Consideration is given to making the kitchen sink, cooktop, and bench areas accessible in both seated or standing positions.
Further information on the minimum requirements of each SDA Design Category can be found here. In addition, The Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Design Standard (PDF 8.39MB) outlines the detailed design requirements for newly built SDA seeking approval under the NDIS.
How to Choose An Ideal SDA Home
Understanding what you need when it comes to SDA housing options can help you make the best decision for your future. In order to enhance your independence in life, Posity listens to what you want in your dream home. Then, our team scouts for the most suitable SDA homes catered to your disability. With that being said, let’s explore 3 key areas that are important when choosing an ideal SDA home.
Choose an SDA home not just based on the indoor rooms, but also based on the features surrounding the house. SDA homes in ideal locations can increase social inclusion and participation among NDIS participants.
(1) Community
It is ideal to live in the centre of a non-congregated yet close-knit neighbourhood to increase your involvement in community activities that enhance social inclusion.
(2) Accessibility
It is ideal to live close to community facilities such as healthcare centres, making it convenient to attend doctors’ appointments.
(3) Transportation
An ideally located home does not limit your access in, around, and out of the neighbourhood, and the availability of public transport is important to achieve this.
Flexibility is key in making a good SDA home that is ready to retrofit according to NDIS participants’ support needs. Additions in every space of the house help maximise accessibility and enable independence among residents. As a result, NDIS participants are supported to perform daily tasks in a safe environment.
(1) Space
Spacious indoor areas allow for free movement throughout the whole SDA home. Generally, wide living areas, hallways, rooms, and other spaces ensure the purpose-built SDA home is wheelchair-friendly. Furthermore, sharp corners and edges should be avoided to minimise your risk of injury or harm.
(2) Furniture
When deciding on an SDA home, it is best to focus on the readiness of height-adjustable furniture pieces. The installation of height-adjustable tables and benches allows you to make necessary adjustments. For example, adjusting benches in kitchens may help you to reach appliances and cupboards whilst preparing your own meals. Moreover, a living space with bolted-down furniture pieces with round corners ensures a durable yet safe surrounding.
(3) Outdoor
An outdoor space that is both serene and secure is important in SDA homes. Outdoor areas made for leisure purposes should have minimal obstructions alongside lush greenery. Open outdoor areas allows you to use this space however you choose, be it getting outside for some peace and quiet, or spending time with a group of friends or loved ones.
Life-changing assistive technology in SDA homes promote greater independence among NDIS participants. This technology breaks common barriers faced among residents by providing them with full control over technological home inclusions.
(1) Automation
Enjoy a hands-free way to control the functions of technological home features and appliances. This ranges from automated doors, windows, lights, and so much more. Along with being convenient if you are unable to operate equipment in a traditional manner, assistive technology enhances your privacy and safety.
(2) Power
A backup battery power system comes in handy for NDIS participants who are in need electronic devices in emergencies. If the power goes out, you will have a few hours of backup power to sustain the SDA home.
(3) Thermal
Stay in control of the living space or bedroom temperature with your own climate control air conditioner. Having the ability to adjust both heating and cooling allows you to concentrate, self-regulate, and rest in an optimum environment condition.
Empowering NDIS Participants with A Place Call Home
SDA is more than accommodation for yourself as an NDIS participant, it’s about finding a place that feels like home! Here at Posity, we strongly believe that a homely space has the ability to support our NDIS participants to achieve their goals and live their best lives. Posity will bring more SDA Homes in Melbourne to help make this a reality for as many participants as possible.
What to Expect in Our Newly-built SDA Homes 2022
Posity’s SDA services and blended Allied Health services go beyond the SDA Design Category Requirements Guidelines. On top of that, we want to bring SDA housing options that meet broader needs and bring the level of care you truly deserve.
To sum up, we will build our SDA homes across all SDA design categories with some core accessibility features.
Reach NDIS Goals with Posity
We can’t wait to show you and your loved ones our new purpose-built SDA homes in the future. All available and future units are designed for a wide variety of participants with different goals and support needs.
In short, we provide homely and comfortable accommodation catered to your individualised disability needs. Our purpose-built homes are designed to improve liveability and independence. Posity strongly believes that a space that belongs to will increase your safety and security so you can focus on making the most out of life.
Would you like to talk to someone regarding our Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) service? Our team is would love to hear from you! Reach out via our phone at 0449 612 283. Or you can simply leave us a message, and someone will reach out to you as soon as possible.